Brand Collaboration
合作過的夥伴們 Trusted and seen in....
Boho À La Mode 以推廣永續的慢生活為核心,透過編織藝術傳遞給更多的人。
我很歡迎與擁有共同理念的你,成為合作夥伴 : )
如有品牌合作需求,歡迎Email 至: [email protected]
1. 姓名及職稱:
2. 品牌介紹:
3. 官網/網站:
4. Instagram/Facebook:
5. 合作提案/想法:(品牌公關品、課程工作坊、品牌贊助、 產品開發、 活動出席等詳細說明)
Boho À La Mode commited to practices of a slow living lifestyle and brings awareness of the environmental issue through offering handmade macrame art.
I welcome you who have similar ideas to become partners and work together.
I am happy to elevate brands that are pioneering sustainable and ethical products : )
Please email me with below contents to: [email protected]
Can't wait to hear from you!
1. Name/ Title:
2. Brand Introduction:
3. Website:
4. Instagram/Facebook:
5. Proposal/ Ideas of collaboration:

Let's be partner and make this world better :)